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Showing posts from August, 2018


PROJECT EXPERIENCE SECTION OF THE QSTI APPLICATION - EXAMPLE  - For those persons who have taken the exam (or plan to) and are preparing their applications for submittal to the QSTI Review Committee, the project experience section may prove a little open-ended. What are “they” looking for? How much information should I include? Do “they” want a copy of a test report? First, definitely do not send in any test reports. The committee is not equipped to handle such confidential business information. What the committee does need is information about your experience and knowledge sufficient to demonstrate that you can conduct a test project successfully and produce reliable results. As a guideline for completing this element of the application, the QSTI Review Committee has provided two examples for your use. The components of these examples coincide with those outlined in the SES application form. Group II Application (example 1)  Project One  EPA Method 7  I led a project to measure NOx em

Noise Monitoring

Noise The following regulations and standards have been established to ensure that noise levels are maintained  within limits that do not cause nuisance or harm to the citizens or the environment. 7.1 Environmental Noise Standards 7.1.1 Noise level standards for residential, business and industrial areas, and roadside areas are  specified in Table 7A. Environmental noise standards apply to the noise levels measured at  properties adjacent to the source of the noise or to noise levels in public areas. 7.2 Environmental Noise Regulations 7.2.1 No person, facility, agency or contractor shall operate equipment that creates, noise levels at their boundary fence in excess of the environmental noise standards in Table 7A. 7.2.2 The operator of a facility with equipment operating at noise levels in excess of 85 dBA shall  conduct a perimeter noise survey at their facility at a frequency of at least once per year. The results of the noise survey shall be reported to the Royal Com

Dual Detectors FID and PID

Dual Detectors The benefits of each individual detector are very clear: both the FID and the PID have their  advantages and disadvantages. However, with either detector alone, the number of organic  and inorganic vapors that one can detect is limited by the measurement capabilities of that  detector. With the TVA-1000B, users can obtain complete information about more organic and inorganic  vapors more quickly and easily than with single detector technology alone. Since both detectors may be displayed and logged simultaneously, the relative response of the  two detectors may give some clues about the identity of the compound being measured. For  instance, the PID does not respond to methane at all, but the FID responds very well. A high  FID reading with virtually no PID response might indicate the presence of methane. Consequently,  PIDs respond very well to some inorganic gases that FIDs cannot detect. A high PID  reading with no FID reading might suggest the presence of an i

What is Photo Ionization Detector (PID)?

Photoionization Detector (PID) A Photoionization Detector (PID) consists of an ultraviolet (UV) lamp of a specific energy  and an ionization chamber. Compounds passing through the chamber are excited by photons  of UV energy and ionized according to the following equation: R + hυ → R+ + e– where R = most organic/inorganic compounds These ions are attracted to a collecting electrode, producing a current proportional to the concentration of the compound. Whether or not a compound can be detected by a PID depends upon the energy required to  remove an electron from the compound (its ionization potential). If the lamp energy is greater  than the compound’s ionization potential, the PID will detect it. The standard lamp in the  TVA-1000B is 10.6 eV. Other lamps (9.6 and 11.8 eV) are also available. The 11.8 eV lamp  permits detection of many compounds not ionized by the standard lamp. The lower energy  (10 eV) lamps, however, allow more selectivity by not responding to undesired co

ABBREVIATIONS That Are Use In Fugitive Emission Monitoring.

ABBREVIATIONS CFR Code of Federal Regulations DTM Difficult to Monitor FEMS Fugitive Emission Management System HAP Hazardous Air Pollutants HON Hazardous Organic National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants LDAR Leak Detection and Repair Program NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NSPS New Source Performance Standards P&ID Piping and Instrumentation Diagram PFD Process Flow Diagram PPMV Parts-per-million, by Volume PRV Pressure Relief Valve PSV Pressure Safety Valve RCER Royal Commission Environmental Regulation, 2015 RF Response Factor USEPA United State Environmental Protection Agency VLV Valve VOC Volatile Organic Compound BG Background reading PPM Parts Per Million N-

How Work Flame Ionization Detection (FID) in TVA-1000B?

Flame Ionization Detection (FID) A Flame Ionization Detector (FID) measures organic compounds by utilizing a flame produced  by the combustion of hydrogen and air. When hydrocarbons in the sample are introduced  to the detection zone, ions are produced by the following reaction: RH + O → RHO+ + e– → H2O + CO2 where R = carbon compound A collector electrode with a polarizing voltage is also located within the detector chamber, and  the ions produced by this reaction are attracted to it. As the ions migrate towards the collector, a current is produced which is directly proportional to the concentration of hydrocarbons  introduced to the flame. This current is then amplified and sent to a microprocessor and/or  analog readout device. The FID has a wide dynamic range. The effective dynamic range can be further expanded by  use of a dilutor kit which reduces very high volatile organic compounds (VOC) concentrations  to within the dynamic range (or even linear range) of the analyzer.

What is TVA-1000B Toxic Vapor Analyzer?

TVA-1000B Toxic Vapor Analyze The TVA-1000B Toxic Vapor Analyzer, illustrated in the figure below, is an advanced-design,  portable, organic/inorganic vapor monitor for the gas survey industry. This analyzer uses either a flame ionization detector (FID), or a photoionization detector (PID), or both types of  detectors to sample and measure concentration of gases. The vapor concentration may be read immediately on either of two displays — one mounted  directly on the hand-held sample probe and the other on the instrument sidepack itself. Vapor concentration can be displayed on both displays in parts per million (ppm), parts per billion  (ppb), or percent concentration (%). The data displayed may also be collected and saved in analyzer memory and downloaded to a personal computer for analysis. Through the sidepack keyboard, you can choose the mode of operation, select concentration units for the display, set alarm thresholds, select data collection mode, and change setup (configu

How To Calibration Toxic Vapor Analyzer 1000B?

TVA1000B Quick Start and Calibration Guide 1. Install filled hydrogen tank, attach probe/readout assembly, turn on analyzer and hydrogen supply valve. 2. Wait 4-5 minutes for proper hydrogen flow, then press 1 = Run. The unit will ignite and display readings. If flame out message appears, clear the message (press Exit), wait another minute and repeat step 2. If the unit has not been properly calibrated, a bad calibration parameter error appears – go to step 3 below. 3. Press Exit until the Main Menu appears. Calibration can now be performed. For best results, allow unit to warm up for 20 minutes, then press 2 = Setup. 4. Press 1 = Calib. 5. Press 2 = SpanConc. 6. Select the detector that the span concentration is for, then press the ↑ or ↓ arrow to select the correct unit of measure for the span gas. Enter the span calibration value, and press the Enter key. Repeat steps 5 & 6 for the second detector. Typically, the calibration gases are methane (FID) and isobutylene